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March 26th, 2012:

Wondertime Sails to the South Pacific – Day 9

What a difference a day makes! The wind finally picked up a bit last night so we took the spinnaker down and unfurled the genoa. The swell has built up from multiple directions so while we’ve got a nice steady 15 knots of wind from the NE there are seas from the north, NE and east pushing us around crazily. It’s like a washing machine inside and it’s taking all our energy just to hang on and get some snacks in our tummies. I’ve spent most of the day in bed reading and playing games with the girls. A day of this and we’re actually looking forward to drifting around in the calm doldrums. On the bright side we’re making 5.5 knots steady in the direction we need to go and celebrated being 1/3 of the way there today!

Total miles at noon: 951 (1/3 of the way there!)
Miles since yesterday: 112
Number of days we are behind in our “24 Days to Speaking French” book: 9