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March 18th, 2012:

Wondertime Sails to the South Pacific – Day 1

We’ve been underway for over 24 hours now and all is well onboard. We motored in glassy seas for several hours out of San Jose del Cabo but once we were near the cape, excellent wind from the NW greeted us. It was a little rowdy for a while with winds gusting up to 30, but by midnight the wind had moderated to about 20 knots and have hovered in that range all through today. We were expecting to struggle in light airs in this area and are thrilled to be making great progress, even if life is a little bumpy on board. Our boat speed has been between 5 and 6 knots which astounds us considering all the extra food onboard and full tanks.

The girls have made our rectangular, enclosed bunk their little nest, filling it with their blankets, books, and favorite stuffed toys. Michael and I have had turns stuffing ourselves into there to sleep with them. We even broke the “no crackers in our bed rule” which I think I’m going to regret tonight. We’re all pretty tired and don’t feel like doing much but looking out at the sapphire-blue waves and snacking on saltines. Appetites are slowing coming back though so I don’t think our sea legs are much farther behind. Even through the grogginess, we are all giddy with the fact that we are sailing to the South Pacific.

Total miles at noon: 114
Casualties: one solar shower flew overboard that we’d forgotten to tie down on the aft deck.
Favorite food item I’m glad I stocked up on: Cup O Noodles