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March 25th, 2012:

Wondertime Sails to the South Pacific – Day 8

Today’s report is from Leah:

We saw cool dolphins jumping out of the water really high! And we even got to get a bath in our big green tub that holds our stuffed animals (but we took all of them out). We used salt water (it only had one tiny nettle jellyfish in it). We were playing Cooties and Candyland in mama’s bed. And I have one new grown-up tooth and I have a little-bit loose tooth! And when I got it loose I bit on a fork accidentally last night when we were eating dinner. Every 500 miles we get a special treat. Mama says it might be tomorrow.

Total miles at noon: 839
Miles since yesterday: 112
Lucky booby birds who got a ride on our main mast all night: 1