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April 7th, 2012:

Wondertime Sails to the South Pacific – Day 21

O happy day! The SE wind filled in last night after battling a series of wind and rain squalls. (Why do they only come at night?) We’ve been flying the genoa, main and mizzen all day making 5-6 knots ticking the miles steadily off. We realized that it had been a week or two since we’d last seen any sea birds but they have started to make their appearance again which can only mean we are getting closer and closer to land.

Sometimes it hits me how life just continues to go on here at sea on the boat just like it always does. This afternoon I was puttering in the galley putting a cucumber/bean/salami salad together for dinner. The girls had just finished coloring in big Easter eggs they’d drawn and had hung them on the mast for the Easter bunny to find.

They were now each playing quietly with their little toys and figurines at the table and in the hall, with the soft mumbling and exclamations that come with the sweet little stories they tell. Paper, pens, tape, toys, games were scattered across the entire back cabin, evidence of an afternoon of small busy hands. If it weren’t for the gentle rocking of the boat and the occasional roll to starboard with the larger waves we could be at anchor getting ready for dinner like any other evening.

Total miles at noon: 2177
Miles since yesterday: 99
Miles to Hiva Oa: 514
Easter baskets ready on the table: 2
Plastic eggs to fill and hide: 37