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Merry Christmas from S/V Wondertime!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our friends and family both new and old! The temperature is forecast to be 83°F tomorrow here in Banderas Bay and we’ll probably go to the beach after opening the gifts from Santa and enjoying a nice breakfast. But tonight, our little family gathered around our mast-tree, ate gingerbread cake warm from the oven and watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. The girls left out a plate of cookies and chocolates for Santa (we assured them 7 cookies would be plenty) and little notes and drawings for the jolly guy. Despite our missing our families this year and it feeling like a Seattle August in December, it really did seem like Christmas tonight. We hope you are having a wonderful holiday too.


  1. behan says:

    love the “tree”/mast, that’s our MO as well! what a pretty cabin… merry christmas from Totem!

  2. Joellen Wilhelm says:

    A very Merry Christmas from Olympia where it was sunny and warm today! Your adventure is a delight to share…thanks for your posts.

    Joellen, Dave and Beatrice

  3. Garth says:

    Have a great Christmas! Sounds lovely to have it on a sandy beach!

  4. Brian Stoll says:

    Feliz Navidad amigos!

  5. Nita says:

    Such a pretty picture! My wish for you is to have safe and happy journeys in 2012!
    I am enjoying watching you enjoy life!
    Merry Christmas!

  6. Gordon says:

    Merry Christmas to you all, and best wishes for your continuing adventures. I love reading Sara’s posts about your trip.
