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September 7th, 2011:

Sailing to San Francisco – Day 5

We spent last night anchored in Port Orford, Oregon. The anchorage is exposed to the south but delightfully protected from the roaring northwesterlies we could still hear howling outside the bay. We definitely all enjoyed the break from moving and relaxed thoroughly. Not long after dinner we all went to bed and slept like rocks.

It was still out when we awoke. Michael downloaded the latest weather forecasts; today’s weather was supposed to be (and has been) light winds but with more gales coming on Thursday to that area. It was definitely time to get going again.

After a quick cup of coffee we cranked the chain up and were off by 0830. We’ve been motoring all day, only a few knots of SW wind to speak of. We’re only about 5 miles off the coast and have been watching the beautiful coastline go by. Nothing remarkable happening which is just fine by us.

We continue to be surprised by how quiet and easy the girls are underway. Yesterday while we were rounding Blanco, they spent hours in our bed, reading books and (I admit) eating Oreo cookies. While we were sluicing down the steepest waves they’d discovered that they could lay sideways in our bed and as the boat would roll they could just lay there and slide from side to side without any effort. They were laughing uproariously and having a great time. Today after breakfast we let them watch a few DVDs. After lunch they both were apparently exhausted and napped most of the afternoon.

Around 1700 we passed the border into California and are passing by Crescent City as I type this. Less than 300 miles to go!

Total miles at noon: 429