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Video: an afternoon sail on the west coast of Vancouver Island

When we headed out from quiet Queen Cove Tuesday afternoon the wind forecast was for 15-20 knots. As has often happened out here what the forecasters promise doesn’t always hold true and we’ve found ourselves motoring through a gale warning more than once. Not this day. Just a few miles south of Esperanza Inlet the NW wind filled in as promised, filled our spinnaker and we were off. We settled the girls down below with a few DVDs and Michael and I sat in the cockpit with huge grins on our faces just relishing the absolutely perfect sail. It was the kind of afternoon that made all the hard work to get here completely worth it.

We sailed with our spinnaker up all the way past Estevan Point, 30 miles or so. After we were past the point, we took the colorful sail down and we turned to port, now on a beam reach with genoa, main and mizzen all the way to Hot Springs Cove, ready for a good long soak.



  1. Justin says:

    Hola Wondertimers! Where will you go after Barkley Sound? Back into the Straits for a bit? Neah Bay? Straight down the WA coast?

    Really enjoying your trip so far. Can’t wait to do the loop around Vancouver Island some day.

    Be safe!

    1. Sara says:

      Hi Justin! We’re going to kick around here in Barkley for the next week then head back to Ucluelet to finish a few jobs to get ready to head offshore. We’re picking up another crew member too on the 2nd. The plan is to head straight for SF; we are going to do the inshore route (~20 miles out) so we can stop easily if need be. If winds are too light we will head farther out. We are getting super anxious about the trip, nervous but excited to finally get it over with.

      You and Chris should definitely see this coast one day! It is pretty amazing. I see you two have a blog now too…heading over to check it out!

  2. Stacy says:

    Look at wondertime go! Thanks for the video. Excited to hear that you are starting to really set sail for the south…. excited and nervous for you too. It has been wonderful to read your posts, but missing our coffee talk. Give hugs to the girls for me.

  3. vin von says:

    Beautiful, reminds me of my circum nav 12 yrs ago. I hit something mysterious about this far offshore, it tore off my wood keel, on my trimaran it only affected the upwindability. Thanks for including the natural sounds and not music instead!