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Countdown to cruising: 1 day to go

That’s it. Our final full day in town is done. Last items have been put into our 5’x5′ storage unit, trip to Trader Joes complete (I had no idea you could even haul $400 worth of food in one of those tiny carts! Must be all the chocolate I stocked up on). We also picked up a netbook to use for navigation so our main laptop won’t have to carry all the computing duties. Leah and I got haircuts, we visited some treasured friends in our old neighborhood, made one last trip to West Marine, hauled home a 15 lb. bag of cat food (that should last our 8 lb. cat a while at least), ran through the car wash, unloaded the car one last time, delivered our dear old Subaru to her new owner, visited with some dock neighbors, tucked our exhausted girls into bed, and I headed out for one final Mom’s Night Out at our favorite pub.

I came home to this:

I’ll get on it in the morning.


  1. One day? As in you leave tomorrow! I couldn’t possibly be more excited for you guys. I think I’ll be smiling all day thinking about it. Whoot!

  2. Stuart Scadron-Wattles says:

    LOL! I totally scored the same box of wine for our modest 2 week cruise to the SJs next week. Blessings and fair winds to you all!

  3. Matthew Moeller says:


    We might get away this afternoon. Tomorrow for sure. We hope to see you up north.

    MV Sea Lass

  4. Don Chase says:

    Fair winds and following seas to you. We will be up in BC waters in July & a bit in Aug. I will look for you. I’ve never been able to break the connection with the land like you have.
    MV Independence, Olympia.

  5. Dylan says:

    Bon voyage! Can’t wait to read about your cruising adventures!!!