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April 11th, 2011:

My invisible crewmember

Can't lose this medical ID overboard

I wrote a guest post recently for Six Until Me and am totally honored that it was posted today. Kerri began her SUM blog over 5 years ago, writing about her life with type 1 diabetes which she was diagnosed with at six years old. Her blog is now the most widely read T1 blog ever, filled with years of laughs, tears, frustration and (yes) joy of blood sugars, insulin pumps, highs, lows, and giving birth to and being a mom to her first daughter. I have been able to relate to each and every word she has written as I too have been living with type 1 diabetes for nearly 25 years.

It’s not something I’ve written about on our little blog here, until now. Maybe it’s because I was diagnosed at 11 and I still have uncomfortable twinges of feeling “different” that haunted me those early years with diabetes as a teenager and tend to want to keep all this stuff to myself, hidden. But it’s such a big part of my life, maybe even the biggest reason why I choose to live this crazy life on the sea. I need to share these stories too.

Head over to Six Until Me to read about my invisible crewmember, now visible.

(And if you arrived here from SUM, welcome! I truly hope you enjoy our stories about our family’s life on the sea.)